Saturday, March 5, 2016

How to update Xbox 360 RGH kernel

IMPORTANT NOTE: this post assumes you have FreeStyle Dashboard / F3 /Aurora installed!

1. Obtain your CPU Key. If you already have it, you can skip this step.
1.1 Launch DashLaunch on your Xbox 360 from File Manager from the following location:
%Installation Drive%\DashLaunch\default.xex
1.2 Press  LB  to Miscellaneous tab and select "System Info".
1.3 Write down your CPU Key. It is recommended to save it to a file or cloud for later updates.

2. Obtain your current NAND dump to update it to latest kernel version. If you already have it, you can skip this step.
NOTE: it is recommended to store this program on your Xbox 360 in the same folder as DashLaunch folder is, for easier later use.
2.1 Download Flash360:
2.2 Copy the 7Z archive content to your Xbox 360 with a FAT32 formatted USB device (program to format to FAT32 here:!lkxgUCxJ!ybF4nb_6tCyRQ3F8zMulQzTJQi1QvOCyhSZDLsZrc_o) or via FTP.
2.3 Launch the "default.xex" file.
2.4 Press  X  to "Backup current Nand to file". File will be located near "default.xex" file named "flashdmp.bin".
2.5 Press  BACK  twice to exit from Flash360.
2.6 Copy "flashdmp.bin" to your computer.

3. Create your updated kernel image.
3.1. Download, extract and launch the latest xeBuild GUI:
3.2 Press "Open" to browse your previously extracted "flashdmp.bin".
3.3 Type or paste your previously extracted CPU Key to "CPUKey" box.
IMPORTANT: make sure you have the same "Kernel version" selected as it is in the name of the downloaded dashboard filename in step 1!
NOTE: at this point, everything should have green tick instead of red cross on the bottom of the screen.
3.4 Press "Generate hacked image" button to start building your kernel. When finished press "Yes" to close the program. The generated file will be in the same directory as "flashdmp.bin" named "updflash.bin".

4. Flash your updated NAND dump to the system.
4.1 Copy "updflash.bin" file to Flash360 folder, near "default.xex" file.
4.2 Launch "default.exe" of Flash360 on your Xbox 360.
4.3 Press  A  to "Write updflash.bin to Nand".
4.4 Press  B  to "Raw flash without keeping current kv/config".
4.5 Press  START  to ignore and continue.
4.6 Press  A  to begin.
4.7 Press  BACK  twice to shut down your Xbox 360.
4.8 Turn your Xbox 360 back on.


NOTE: optionally, you can update your Avatar and Kinect version, too. Tutorial here:

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